Child learning to brush teeth correctly

Common Mistakes children make while Brushing their teeth


Last Modified: January 20, 2024


As parents, we understand the importance of teaching good oral hygiene habits in our children from a young age. One fundamental aspect of this routine is, of course, brushing teeth. However, despite our best efforts, children often must correct their mistakes during this daily task. In this blog, we’ll explore some of these pitfalls and guide how to address them effectively.

1. Brushing Time

One of children’s most prevalent mistakes is spending less time brushing their teeth. Kids are notorious for rushing through this routine, eager to move on to more exciting activities. However, dental experts recommend brushing for at least two minutes to ensure thorough cleaning using a kids toothbrush. Parents can make brushing more engaging by using a timer or playing a favorite song to make the process more enjoyable and help children adhere to the recommended time.

2. Brushing Technique

Another common mistake is improper brushing technique. Children might scrub vigorously or neglect certain areas of their mouths, leading to inadequate cleaning. Parents should teach their kids the correct technique – a gentle circular motion with the kids toothbrush angled towards the gumline. Supervising their brushing sessions initially can help correct mistakes and ensure they develop good habits.

3. Which Toothpaste to Use

Choosing the right toothpaste is crucial for effective oral care. Some children might be drawn to toothpaste flavors that are more appealing to their taste buds, but parents should prioritize toothpaste with fluoride, as it helps prevent tooth decay. Balancing flavor preferences with dental health is essential, and consulting with a pediatric dentist can provide valuable insights into suitable toothpaste options for your child. Unflavored toothpaste is the best toothpaste for cavities and can be a suitable choice for children.

4. When to Change the Toothbrush

Children often overlook the importance of changing their toothbrushes regularly. Over time, bristles become frayed and less effective in cleaning teeth. A common mistake is using a worn-out toothbrush for too long, which can compromise oral hygiene. Parents should establish a routine for changing toothbrushes every three to four months or sooner if the bristles show signs of wear.

5. Excessive Use of Toothpaste

While toothpaste is essential for maintaining oral health, children often use it more than necessary. Dental professionals recommend a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for children to minimize the risk of fluorosis, a condition caused by excessive fluoride intake. Educate your child on the right amount of toothpaste to use, and monitor their brushing to ensure they only squeeze out what is needed.


Incorporating good oral hygiene habits from a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Parents can guide their children toward optimal oral health by addressing common mistakes in brushing time, technique, toothpaste choice, toothbrush replacement, and excessive use of toothpaste. Making oral care a fun and educational experience will encourage children to embrace these habits and carry them into adulthood.

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