tooth development in children

Stages of Tooth Development in Kids


Last Modified: January 18, 2024


As parents, we eagerly wait to celebrate every milestone in our child’s life, and one significant journey that often begins in infancy is tooth development. Watching those adorable gummy smiles transform into a set of adult teeth is a thrilling experience. In this blog, we’ll explore the stages of tooth development in kids, offering insights into what to expect and how to care for those tiny teeth.

Prenatal Tooth Formation

Believe it or not, tooth development begins before your child is born. Within the sixth week of pregnancy, tooth buds form in the baby’s gums. While these teeth won’t emerge until later, this early stage lays the foundation for your little one’s future oral health.

Eruption of the First Teeth: 6-10 Months

The excitement kicks in when those first tiny teeth start to make their appearance. The two bottom front teeth, the central incisors, are the first to emerge, usually between 6 and 10 months of age. This stage can be accompanied by increased drooling, gum sensitivity, and fussiness.


Gently clean your baby’s gums with a soft cloth.
Introduce a baby toothbrush once the first tooth erupts.

The Teething Period: 6 Months – 3 Years

Teething can be a challenging time for both parents and babies. Various teeth will continue to emerge during this period, which can last until age 3. The eruption order varies, but incisors, canines, and molars typically make their way through the gums. Promoting oral hygiene from a young age is essential for kids dental health and sets the foundation for a lifetime of confident smiles.


Provide teething toys or chilled washcloths for comfort.
Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush with water to clean emerging teeth.

Transition to a Full Set: 3-6 Years

By age 3, most children have a complete set of 20 primary teeth. It’s important to teach good oral hygiene habits and schedule regular dental check-ups during this stage. Proper care at this age lays the groundwork for an entire lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.


Start using a small amount of toothpaste with flouride.
Encourage your child to brush their teeth two times a day.

Loss of Primary Teeth: 6-12 Years

The natural progression of tooth development includes the loss of primary teeth to make way for permanent ones. The first to go are often the lower front teeth. These are followed by the upper front teeth. This stage typically occurs between the ages of 6 to 7 and continues until around age 12.


Teach your child proper flossing and brusing techniques.
Monitor the eruption of permanent teeth and consult with a dentist if there are concerns.

Transition to Permanent Teeth: Adolescence

As your child enters adolescence, the remaining permanent teeth, including molars and wisdom teeth, will continue to emerge. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups are crucial to ensure the permanent teeth’ health and alignment.


Understanding the stages of tooth development in kids allows parents to support their child’s oral health. By fostering good dental habits, addressing teething discomfort, and ensuring regular dental check-ups, you contribute to the foundation of a lifetime of healthy smiles. Celebrate each toothy milestone, and remember that a bit of care goes a long way in preserving those precious pearly whites!

As a leading dental care clinic, Clove Dental boasts a team of experienced pediatric dentists dedicated to creating a positive and comfortable environment for children. They understand the importance of early dental interventions, focusing on preventive measures, and fostering good oral hygiene habits from a young age. Parents searching for a “kids dentist near me” will find Clove Dental a reliable option, offering convenient access to expert care for their little ones. With a commitment to providing comprehensive and child-friendly dental services, Clove Dental is a trusted choice for parents seeking specialized pediatric dental care in their local area.

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