Liquid Biopsy For Cancer Detection: A Review
Cancer is associated with mutated genes, and analysis of tumor-linked genetic alterations is increasingly used for diagnostic, prognostic and treatment purposes. These genomic alterations can be characterized and monitored by highly sensitive mutation detection techniques. As tumors shed parts of themselves into the circulation, analyses of circulating tumor cells,
circulating tumor (ct) DNA, and tumor-derived exosomes, can be done by one such newer technique referred to as “Liquid Biopsy”.
It can provide the genetic landscape of all cancerous lesions (primary and metastatic) as well as offering the opportunity to systematically track genomic evolution. Current paper aims to provide a brief review on how tumor-associated mutations detectable in the blood can be used in the clinical practice, including the assessment of prognosis, early detection of disease recurrence, and as surrogates for traditional biopsies with the purpose of predicting response to treatments and the development of acquired resistance.
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