
Calculus – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment


Last Modified: October 27, 2023


The term “Dental Calculus” probably immediately rings in our minds as a math topic, but in dentistry, it refers to a dental problem common among most people, which has several detrimental effects on oral health. Known or referred to as Tartar, calculus is a very common dental problem ignored by many people. We shall discuss dental calculus, its signs and symptoms, causes, and efficient treatment options in the following blog.

What is Calculus?

Calculus, commonly referred to as tartar, is a calcium salt consolidated build-up that hardens over time and attaches to teeth. The etiology is associated with the accumulation of plaque over teeth for a long time. Plaque is an agglomeration of germs and food particles, a thick and sticky film which hardens and mineralizes into dental calculus, that is calcified since it cannot be removed by frequent brushing and flossing.

Symptoms of Calculus

  • Visual Deposits: These are among the most noticeable signs of calculus: hard, yellow or brown color deposits on the teeth. They occur fairly commonly between the teeth and around the gum line.
  • Bad Breath: Calculus will often lead to persistent bad breath because it is a place of residence within which bacteria will actively generate an odor.
  • Gum Inflammation: Calculus leads to irritation of your gums, which will end up in gingivitis. Your gingiva may turn a shade of red, swell, and even bleed as one is brushing or flossing.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: As calculus is built on your teeth, they become sensitive toward heat and cold, and they may cause food and drinks, especially those that are hot or cold, to become excruciating when consumed.

Causes of Calculus

However, the most crucial cause of dental calculus is poor oral hygiene. In case, a person does not regularly clean the teeth by brushing or flossing; then with time, the plaque may get calcified and turn into calculus. Other major causes include:

  • Diet: Diet rich in foods containing sugar and starches allow the development of plaque and hence calculus.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking or use of other forms of tobacco multiplies the susceptibility to calculus formation.
  • Age: As one grows older, so does the likelihood of becoming calculi since the saliva composition changes which is backed up by reduced health of the gums.
  • Dry Mouth: Dry mouth conditions due to various reasons lead to calculus, such as those caused by some medication or drugs. This is because in respect to this is the fact that saliva is believed to regulate plaque.

What if Calculus is not removed?

However, the chief cause for the development of dental calculus is poor oral hygiene. If you are not visiting the dentist’s office frequently and not following a routine of cleaning and brushing with floss, calculus can develop over your teeth. Other causative factors include:

  • Diet: Food that is rich in carbohydrates and sugar content results in calculus and plaque. Smoking, chewing, or vaping tobacco in any form may result in Calculus formation. Sometimes, as age advances, the composition of saliva and the health of the gums are altered, leading to the likely formation of calculus.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva helps control the formation of plaque, so dry mouth, a condition caused by many medications, may lead to calculus formation.

Treatment of Dental Calculus

Once it is built up, dental calculus cannot be removed through simple brushing and flossing. It would best be treated by an expert dental expert. The most popular approaches towards calculus may include:

Dental Scaling (Deep cleaning)

An ultrasonic scaler helps a dental hygienist in the safe removal of calculus from teeth. The procedures are termed scaling and root planning. This clears off the scale on tooth surfaces and roots, thus aiding in the absence of further accumulation. Better gum health ensues because of reduced bacteria in the gums, which is the leading cause of inflammation; calculus is removed most efficiently.

After the procedure, this may create a little sensitivity, but it is very normal and one should not be worried. The patient should continue to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing, and also by using some antibacterial mouthwash, whichever the dentist will advise to follow, as the very best procedure to get the very best result after scaling. Your dentist may prescribe antimicrobial mouthwash to help reduce the count of bacteria in your mouth.

How it Works

These mouthwashes contain ingredients that detect and reduce the number of microbes, including calculus-forming bacteria, which can help to infect a user’s mouth.

  • Benefits: Additives in burden reduction; may be helpful in treating gum disease.
  • Risks: Some will cause allergic reactions or irritation inside the mouth.
  • Effectiveness: Good for use as part of rigorous oral hygiene routine; however no benefit on calculus that has already formed.
  • Better oral hygiene: You need to ensure good oral hygiene through regular brushing and flossing, and visits to your dentist, so that no further calculus builds up.

Tips for Choosing Treatment

You need to visit the dentist as much as he will decide upon the extent of the calculus that has accumulated, among other things, and also decide upon the course of treatment that he will adopt to be able to suit the patient.

These will consist of the general state of the dentition, periodontal disease, and personal choice. 

The merits and demerits and potential outcome of any treatment carried out should be established with the dentist

The After Care using the oral hygiene measures, to be applied, and are crucial in staving oral health and retarding modulating the calculus formation in the future.


Dental calculus is a commonly occurring dental problem but can result in host dental health issues if not treated. Good oral hygiene practices with a little help from people like Clove Dental can keep it in control and even prevent its occurrence. 

So, don’t let your dental health go haywire; do something about it today if you want that healthy, beautiful smile.

Dental needs are taken care of for the patients in Clove Dental, with expert, professional dental care and guidance. Clove Dental is one of the largest dental organizations, with more than 1.5 million trained smiles and still counting across India through more than 400 clinics. It has also established more than 1,000 professional and experienced doctors who are committed to making their patients happier and healthier.

The motto at Clove Dental is to ensure nothing but the best care and services for a beautiful smile and overall health of their patients. Whether it is about the routine check-ups, dental calculus treatment, or anything that you need from the dentist’s office, you may look towards their long chain of clinics based all over the country.

Dr. Nayanika Batra

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