Did You Know These Food Items Could be the Culprits Behind Bad Breath?
Apart from this, bad breath or halitosis is another somewhat common issue that arises from a combination of several reasons. This may be due to oral care and hygiene, some of the medical conditions, or even due to the diet that one undertakes and the foods and beverages taken, leading to embarrassing bad breath. Some of the food or beverages that we are consuming regularly may actually be the perpetrators responsible for our bad breath.
While it is impossible to ignore them completely, we should be aware of these possible effects and take preventive measures as much as possible. In the blog post after the following lines, we will show you which are some of the most common foods and drinks associated with bad breath and how you may fight this annoying condition.
Garlic and Onions
One of the worst offenders for bad breath is Garlic and onions. Some of the most delicious veggies have sulfur compounds in them that tend to linger in the mouth especially if they are not washed out a few hours after the veggies have been ingested. As it breaks down in the system, it somehow finds its way into the blood, and eventually, the body expels the constituents through the lungs, leaving one with bad breath.
Again, although impossible to avoid these ingredients altogether, their effects can be lessened by brushing your teeth or mouthwash immediately after meals containing garlic or onions.
As much as coffee is loved by millions to begin their day, it can also contribute to bad breath. It’s acidic in nature, causing dry mouth resulting from lack of saliva, and has its very peculiar smell that will linger for a long time in the mouth.
It also contains caffeine, which reduces the flow of saliva and worsens the breath. Neutralize the effect that coffee could have on your mouth by having one glass of water immediately after your morning cup of coffee or switch to a non-acidic drink, like tea.
Alcohol is sometimes referred to as a diuretic; that is, fluid loss. This can dry up your mouth and even lead to a lack of saliva production. Therefore, this may increase halitosis. Alcohol has its unique smell that stays in the mouth and encourages the growth of bacteria that cause the bad breath phenomenon. When you consume alcohol, make sure that you are well hydrated by drinking enough water. You can use sugar-free gum or mouthwash for effective control of the bad breath.
Dairy Products
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are dairy products that have proteins in them. The proteins increase the rate at which bacteria multiply within the mouth.
Others are lactose intolerant and may cause digestive problems together with bad breath. If you love your dairy products, ensure you brush your teeth or use mouthwash after consuming it
Fish-the oily ones, like salmon and tuna-have a substance in them known as trimethylamine, which is quite pungent and will linger about inside your mouth for hours. In addition to this, fish can leave behind some bacteria that would contribute to bad breath. If you have eaten fish, try drinking water or eating a piece of fruit to help remove the bacteria that is causing the bad breath from your mouth.
Curry is one of the most widely eaten Indian foods that with it there were many spices which included garlic and onion. Such spices cause bad breath, therefore a demonstration that some oral hygiene be practiced after having curry.
Generally, the reason for foul breath is due to what we eat and drink. Such things could not be eliminated entirely but minimized through brushing, flossing, keeping hydrated, and mouthwash or gum. Knowing such foods and drinks that contribute to a person having bad breath helps control this feeling of insecurity about interactions with other people.