6 Signs Of Infection After Root Canal Treatment

6 Signs of Infection After Root Canal


Last Modified: October 3, 2023


A root canal is a dental procedure done to save a strongly damaged or infected tooth. Much like with any other medical condition, it is not free of risks. Complications are rather rare; however, one should be aware of the possible signs of infection after a root canal. This article debates six major signs for one to look out for in ensuring continuous top oral health. Six key signs of infection include:

Persistent Pain

Persistent pain is one of the most common symptoms of infection after having a root canal. You may feel some slight discomfort initially immediately after visiting the procedure, but that will gradually improve within a few days. If you think it is getting worse or if it has not gone away after a week or so, then you are showing a symptom of infection. This could indicate that there is an infection that you need to have your dentist check.


Another possible sign of infection may be swelling around the infected tooth or even in the nearby gum tissue. This swelling often occurs with a little tenderness and can be rather painful when chewing or sometimes even opening your mouth wide enough. If you notice any unusual swelling days after the root canal, do not hesitate to contact your dentist immediately.

Sensitivity Persisting Longer

It is normal to be a little sensitive to hot or cold temperatures immediately after a root canal, but the sensitivity should gradually decrease. If it is still there or worsens with time, then probably an infection is occurring. Sensitivity persisting over time may mean that an infection has not been flushed out because of the root canal
as it should.

Bad Breath and Taste

It can also result in a foul taste or odor within the mouth. A few of the bacteria at times may cause an absolutely awful smell or taste.

Pus or Discharge

Any amount of discharge, pus, or abscess around the treated tooth is a very obvious sign of infection. You either feel a bump on the gum or taste some foul-tasting discharge. These are serious indications that the infection has not been adequately treated and requires immediate attention.

Fever and General Malaise

In worst cases of infection, one may even exhibit systemic symptoms like fever, tiredness, or generalized sickness. If, after the performance of a root canal, you start feeling feverish or your health deteriorates, then it will be due to an infection, and this will be an indication that it must have spread out from the tooth.

How Long Does it Take to Recover after Root Canal Treatment?

Recovery from a root canal is essentially a process of healing and restoration. Immediately after a root canal treatment, you can comparatively feel numb or sensitive in the treated area because of the local anesthesia. This kind of discomfort usually wears off in some hours.

You will naturally feel a little sore or uncomfortable a day or two after the treatment. Your dentist will inform you that over-the-counter pain medicine is enough to keep things tolerable.

Follow the post-operative instructions given by your dentist. They will include asking you to stay away from hard or chewy foods. Good oral hygiene measures will keep the mouth clean. If required for infection or otherwise, antibiotics are prescribed for you in this regard by your dentist.

This usually takes a few days to one week, when the discomfort starts wearing off and you slowly start getting comfortable during the healing. If you have very serious pains that are increased, the swelling is heavy, or some other symptom that rings the warning bells, do not hesitate to consult your dentist since these can be signs of complications and hence need further attention.


Although root canals often have a very high success rate with regard to the clearing of a tooth infection, there is always a slight chance of things going wrong. You might become key right after the procedure if you are attentive to your body and different symptoms. Contact your dentist promptly if you manifest any of these six signs.

In cases of post-root canal infections, early diagnosis and management are very essential in the prevention of complications to dental health. Follow-up appointments are very crucial to ensure everything heals properly and to enable early identification and intervention in case of a problem. Your oral health is worth it; therefore, never hesitate to help if you suspect an infection after a root


1. What is a root canal treatment, and why is a root canal necessary?
RCT is performed to treat infected or damaged pulp of the tooth. This is necessary for avoiding further infection and thus saving the tooth from extraction.

2. How would I know that I need a root canal treatment?
Watch out for persistent tooth pain, lingering sensitivity to heat or cold, swelling, or a pimple-like bump on the gum.

3. Is root canal treatment painful?
Most of the procedures of RCT do not hurt as the local anesthesia is injected. Any general discomfort that remains after the procedure is bearable and treatable with painkillers.

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