How to Manage Pain after Root Canal Treatment

Pain after Root Canal Treatment – How to Manage it


Last Modified: December 27, 2023


Pain post-procedure is not uncommon; however, this should ease up over time. The following recommendations may be helpful in managing discomfort:

Over-the-counter pain medicines:

You may take over-the-counter pain medications to manage mild to moderate pain. Take as directed.

Prescription medicine:

If your pain is of an extreme nature, your dentist may prescribe heavier pain medication on a short-term basis.

Do not chew on the treated tooth:

Allow it some time to heal and hence do not force pressure on it while eating.

Cold Compress:

Application of an ice pack to the face next to the site of treatment assists in the reduction of swelling and the pain that emanates from endodontic therapy.


Sleeping while keeping your head raised will reduce the flow of blood there and hence cut down pain.

Salwater rinse:

Gently swish saline water in the mouth for the reduction of inflammation and also to accelerate the healing process. Mix about half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

Follow post-treatment instructions:

Your dentist has probably given instructions right after the treatment. Complying with those would help recover from it and reduce discomfort.

Reach your dentist

If the pain itself is not getting any better or it worsens with time, then this could be a decent time to reach your dentist. Something may be requiring your attention, like an infection or a poorly sealed tooth.

Note that some discomfort following the root canal procedure is normal while the tissues immediately around the tooth are healing. Severe or increasing pain, swelling, or other unusual symptoms, however, must be reported to the dentist as soon as possible.

Dr. Nayanika Batra

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