Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Oral Care Routine

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Oral Care Routine


Last Modified: December 27, 2023


A beautiful smile is not only an add-on to cosmetics but also a window of good oral health. Just adhere to these simple advices and have a healthy, beautiful smile:

Adhere to the below brushing techniques:

The area where one should spend most of the time in care of oral hygiene is brushing of teeth. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush.

  • Frequency: Brush at least twice daily and after meals, if possible.
  • Technique: Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to the surface of your teeth and make a rolling vibrating motion back and forth on and along the sides of your teeth.
  • Don’t Forget: Make sure you brush gently over your tongue to brush off bacteria and to help freshen your breath.
  • Floss Regularly: It reaches between the teeth and below the gum line, where the brush cannot reach.
  • Technique: Take at least 18 inches of floss and slide it slowly between the teeth in an up-and-down movement. Flossing should be done once a day. However, it remains that doing it before going to bed would be the best time to do it.


Consider an antimicrobial mouthwash.

  • Benefits: Targets every part that the toothbrush and the floss cannot, therefore, reduces level of plaque and bacteria.
  • How to use: Rinse your mouth with this mouthwash for 30-60 seconds every time you do it after brushing but not instead of tooth brushing and flossing

Healthy food habits:

A balanced diet benefits your overall health and impacts your oral health.

  • Only a Few Sugary Snacks: The sugary snacks and starchy items that one eats form plaque.
  • Eat Calcium-Rich Foods: Foods like cheese, leafy greens, and almonds contribute to the strength of a tooth.

Regular Dental Checkup

One should go for regular dental checkup; in general, it can be twice in 12 months. It is definitely a plus point for prophylactic care.

  • Benefits: Early catch on troubles like cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer is key for effective treatment.
  • Professional Cleaning: Professional cleaning removes any plaque build-up and tartar that is hard to remove with brushing.

Proper Toothbrush Care:

Keep your toothbrush clean and functional.

  • Replace: Change your toothbrush or head every 3-4 months or earlier if bristles splay out.
  • Storage: Rinse the brush thoroughly after each use and store it upright so it air dries.

Say no to tobacco and drink only in moderation:

These are the two items that will bring about oral problems such as gum diseases and oral cancer through over-consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

Restore Your Teeth:

If indeed you are having some sporting activities or grinding your teeth at night, do apply occlusal devices on the teeth so that they will not cause you injury or potential damage to the teeth.


A healthy oral care regimen is not only about brushing; it is a total way of living that involves proper brushing and flossing, eating good meals, seeing your dentist, and a way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Getting everything fixed in your day, you will have worked your way toward a beaming smile and health in your mouth.

Remember, a confident smile is built on good oral health. It’s the time and effort you invest in teeth and gums that will help build a great smile—your way!

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