Tooth Extraction from Gum Disease

Tooth Extraction for Periodontal Diseases (Gum Diseases)


Last Modified: January 20, 2021


Conditions of the teeth and mouth are serious concerns as it is, but when these conditions reach the gum, they can become way worse. Periodontal or gum diseases are conditions of the gum when the inflammation progresses and reaches the bone underneath the gum line. It begins with the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

While there are a number of implications and effects of gum disease, the most dreaded result of gum disease is often tooth loss. To help you understand this condition and to give you a clear idea of what is the disease’s relation with tooth extraction, here is a short helpful blog.

Understanding Gum Disease

With almost 70% of people developing a gum disease at some point in their life, it is quite a common condition in dentistry. But what really harms people in this condition is complete and utter neglect of the situation. As a result, a simple gum disease like Gingivitis often gets out of hand and advances to become periodontitis, and then eventually advanced gum disease. While the others can somewhat be treated and contained with simple procedures, advanced gum disease is that last stage of a condition.

Tooth loss is imminent in this case as bone loss around the tooth has started and can only be treated through surgery. But, if the condition is beyond saving then tooth extraction is the only choice you have.

Tooth Extraction from Gum Disease

If a tooth has loosened up and needs to be treated, you must understand that the tooth has been affected by the bacteria that caused the gum disease. This means that the infection has spread to the tooth and bone surrounding it, and can affect other nearby teeth as well. To save this from happening and to stop the disease from spreading, the tooth will need to be extracted, which is better than letting the tooth fall off on its own, in which case it would have already spread too far.

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In severe cases, the tooth is already loose and can easily fall off, which is a clear indication that you need to get your tooth extracted, and with immediate effect. However, since the tooth hasn’t fallen off on its own, the bone on the tooth is still holding on to it, which means that the infection can still be contained. As a result, the tooth is sectioned (cut into sections) and removed one at a time to stop the infection in its tracks.

However, all this can be prevented with simple steps of precaution early on and by making regular visits to your dentist. In case the situation has not gone bad, it can be contained. Otherwise, getting a tooth extraction is also a valid option for you as the space so created can be cleaned, allowed to heal and then replaced with a dental implant. For the best consultation and top-notch treatment, book your appointment with Clove Dental today.

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