Maintaining Dental Bridges: A Comprehensive Oral Hygiene Guide


Last Modified: June 20, 2024


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Dental Bridges are one of the most popular solutions for replacing missing teeth. But they do require extra care and attention. These extra steps prevent complications and ensure durability. Maintaining proper oral hygiene ensures the longevity and success of dental bridges.

Let’s go through a comprehensive oral hygiene maintenance guide for dental bridges.

  • Brushing
    Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste, brush your teeth alongwith the bridge. Brushing twice daily is recommended. Special attention paid to the bridge and surrounding teeth to remove any food particles or plaque buildup.
  • Flossing
    Flossing is essential for cleaning hard to reach areas, especially under the bridge. It cleans spaces and margins that a toothbrush cannot reach. Using a floss threader, spaces between the bridge and the gums or the abutment teeth can be cleaned.
  • Interdental Cleaners
    Use of interdental brushes or dental picks alongwith floss to clean under the bridge. There is a higher amount of food debris accumulation around the bridge & abutment teeth. These specialized tools can effectively remove debris and plaque from hard-to-reach areas.
  • Oral Rinses
    Using an antimicrobial mouthwash helps to reduce bacterial growth and prevent gum diseases. It maintains the oral health in turn increasing the health of abutment teeth and the bridge.
  • Regular Dental Visits
    Remember to follow the regular dental check ups schedule set up by your dentist. Getting professional cleanings done at regular intervals improves gum health. During it your dentist thoroughly cleans the areas around the bridge. Also helps to regularly evaluate and monitor for any signs of decay, gum disease or issues with the bridge itself.
  • Dietary Considerations
    Sticky, hard, or sugary food can damage or dislodge the dental bridge. This further can contribute to tooth decay and gum diseases. Opt for a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support oral health and avoid sticky, hard or sugary food.

The above steps when combined with regular dental visits, ensure the longevity and success of bridges. Not to forget, proper care and maintenance are essential for preventing complications. When handled with care, you can enjoy the benefits of your dental restoration for years to come.

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